Sunday, June 28, 2009

Seattle Gay Pride Parade 2009

Kerry and Lola.

Texas Ranger fan in the house.

Fellow Rainbow Family marchers.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Zoo/Play-Doh/Storm Basketball!

Lola had to have her own Storm basketball. We are such push overs!

The real basketball star of the night just outside the Key.

Sue Bird, taken it to the hole, with no one else in sight! Get 'em.

Lauren Jackson taking her foul shot, nailed it!

Not sure who made this shot.

Sue Bird, giving the orders.

Look at this Storm fan, clapping at the game like a veteran. Well this is her third season to be exact.

Rockin the Play-doh.

Zoo date with Oliva and Kacie.

Mummy hold me, those penguins sure are fast!

It was snack time. She told me she wanted to sit outside and eat it. Such a big girl!